Pittura analitica. Origins and Continuity curated by Giorgio Bonomi, Michele Beraldo, Alberto Rigoni. The exhibition can be visited until January 27, 2019 and was created by the Municipality of Senigallia and by Musinf in collaboration with FerrarinArte.
The exhibition is divided into three section
PROTAGONISTS: these “core” artists constitute the origins which the research strands of artists of the following generation build upon.
Carlo Battaglia, Enzo Cacciola, Paolo Cotani, Marco Gastini, Giorgio Griffa, Riccardo Guarnieri, Claudio Olivieri, Pino Pinelli, Claudio Verna, Gianfranco Zappettini.
PRESENCES: so called artists “fellow travellers”, namely artists who never or only very seldom appeared in Pittura Analitica exhibitions but they followed the same wavelength and sharing the same aesthetic and poetic assumptions.
Vincenzo Cecchini, Paolo Patelli, Lucio Pozzi, Paolo Masi, Sandro De Alexandris, Pope, Mauro Cappelletti, Claudio Rotta Loria.
CONTINUITY: so called artists “heirs of their elders” focus on reflection and analysis of the expressive means of painting.
Gianni Pellegrini, Paolo Iacchetti, Sonia Costantini, Domenico D’Oora, Rolando Tessandri.
60019 Senigallia (AN) Phone: +39 071.63258 Mail: roccaroveresca.senigallia@beniculturali.it