Visits to the exhibition have been suspended (DPCM 3 Novembre 2020).
The exhibition inside the Rocca closed on november 6, 2020.
For information about a guided online tour, please visit the website
OCTOBER 2020: due to the summer success, the exhibition Acqua – our water our future reopens at Rocca Roveresca every Sunday afternoon from 18 October to 20 December 2020 with three guided tours at 2.45 – 4.30 – 6.00 p.m.
Schools and associations can contact Associazione culturale Next to book a visit even on weekdays.
The achievement of this exhibition, its opening on Sunday 26 July with the first visit at 3 pm, make us particularly happy; we believe it is a great opportunity for the public. Designed for last spring for schoolchildren from all over Italy, after a forced arrest due to the lockdown, it starts with the same educational and stimulating intentions without neglecting safety in the visit and at the same time curiosity and fun.
The creative project was born of the Next cultural association with the grant of Cariverona Foundation and Vivaservizi spa and in partnership with the Polytechnic University of Marche and the Marche Museum Regional Directorate of MiBACT: the themes proposed through fascinating interactive stations are the properties, history and knowledge about WATER, an irreplaceable primary asset for men but already very compromised due to human pollution.
The setting up in the rooms of the Rocca Roveresca has a strong value, due to the relationship of the fortress with water, a source of subsistence and defense. Senigallia for its position has always had a connection with the sea, whose symbols are carved in the decorations of the rooms of the Rocca that you can visit together with the exhibition.
The exhibition, open until 26 september 2020 and dedicated to environmental education and respect for our resources, is aimed at all age groups, children, teenagers, families and adults. To visit the exhibition with a free guide, in groups of up to 4 people per hour, it is necessary to book through the Fosforo SCIENZA booking portal. To enter the fortress, you must have the entrance ticket to the monument. See on Contacts.
60019 Senigallia (AN) Phone: +39 071.63258 Mail: